The Indiana legislature is considering two bills which impact the operation of regional sewer districts: House Bill 1117 andHouse Bill 1225.
The above links lead to the text of the bills. Here are links to a summary: HB1117 HB1125
The Indiana Regional Sewer District ASsociation has analyzed these bills and provided comments available here: HB 1117 HB 1225
Primary impacts of this legislation are as follows:
HB 1117
Allows people with a functioning “sewage disposal system” to be exempt from connecting to a sewer system. Failure to require connection will increase the costs for all those connected and increase rates for all while having deleterious impacts on public health. Also note that a “sewage disposal system” could include a cesspool or an outhouse.
HB 1225:
1. Allows people with functioning septic systems to opt out of connecting to a sewer system. This would increase the rate all must pay by reducing the number of connections to the system.
2. Prevents charging for lots during construction. We have not been faced with this but when a system must be expanded to accommodate new developments, the initial charges for lots under development are used to make the initial bond payments.
3. Eliminates the ability for districts to file liens on property to collect bills. With no other method of enforcement to collect past due bills, we will be forced to disconnect people from the sewer system, a costly and lengthy process. This is very expensive for the ratepayer and may result in their property being condemned by the health department.
HB 1225