1993 Meeting Minutes

January 19, 1993

6:30 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson.

We have 2 members of the board, C.T. Steele, and Steve Fellows who are up for reelection this year.

We discussed the audit by the state board of accounts and since no one but C.T. Steele met with the man.  It was decided that we invite him to our next meeting so that he could go over these various with us all.

There was no other business so we adjourned.

February 24, 1993

6:30 P.M.

We did not hold a meeting in February, 24, 1993.

This meeting was scheduled and rescheduled several times due to conflicts with various members and especially Mike Schafer from the State Board of Accounts which was the special reason we needed all members to attend.

After our last date of Feb. 23, 1993 was cancelled out by Mr. Schafer, we decided since there was really no business to come before the board, we decided to wait until our regular meeting in March, 1993.

March 16, 1993

6:30 P.M.

Our meeting with Mike Schafer from the State Board of Accounts has been set up for next month, April 20, 1993.

We discussed the bill from the State Board of Accounts for 2 audits in the amount of $5,000.00.  the board does not feel we owe this and Ron Repp wants to call them and discuss it.

Roger Lindsey, attorney, still has not filed suit against Jones and McCauley.  Steele by phone, directed him to do this right away.

Discussed getting a tap for Schindler and Repp Properties.  This can be done by tapping into the property owned by the New Washington Sate Bank and putting a 6” line through the bank property, through Schindler, Geo Jones and onto Repp’s.

We must secure easements, but Steele has talked with Jones and the bank and they gave verbal agreements.  We will proceed by getting a bid from Henderson and possibly Drury.

There was no further business.

April 20, 1993

6:30 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp, Michael Schaefer and Roger Lindsey.

Meeting with Mike Schaefer of the State Board of Accounts.  He went over the report from our last audit and pointed out several changes they are asking us to make in our record keeping system, and the way we set up funds for different areas. This was discussed at length by all.

Received bid from Henderson Backhoe, to put in the taps for Repp and Schindler property.  The combined bid including materials we would furnish would be approximately $2,410.00.

Ron Repp did not enter to the decision part, he abstained since he would be tapping on his property.

After due discussion, we decided that the Sewage District pay the cost of the man hole part and the 2 other property owners each pay 50% of the balance.

Discussed delinquent accounts and directed Lindsey to proceed to file suit on some.

Discussed the fee charged by the State of Board of Accounts and Ron Repp is to call them.  We all feel that is will have to be paid, but our question is why did they wait so long to send another bill?

We had a request from Bill Rogers, who owns the Post Office Bldg., he has 1 tap but has been paying 3 minimums and he feels that since there is only 1 tap, and he contends he well never rent the apartments. He should only pay 1 tap. This was agreed.

May 18, 1993

There were not enough members available to have our regular meeting.

June 15, 1993

Those Present: C.T. Steele and Ron Repp.

No formal meeting was held. However, we did discuss several items and business is always carried on as usual.

July 1993

Again, a corium was not available. Therefore no formal meeting was held.

August 17, 1993

6:30 P.M.

Those Present: Edward Arthur, Homer Dixon and Carroll Steele.

Ron Repp’s tap still have not been able to get an easement description on this.

Schindler Tap, Drury should put this in approximately Aug. 20, 1993.

Case Payment, Dec.

She has paid the court, we should be paid in Dec 1993 after the taxes are in.

Again only 2 members were available.  Therefore, no formal meeting was held.

September 1993

Could not get enough together for meeting, however our daily business is carried on as usual by C.T. Steele, Secretary/Treasurer.

October 11, 1993

7:00 P.M.

Those Present: C.T. Steele, Roger Lindsey, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, and Homer Dixon.

-Discussed some delinquent accounts with Roger Lindsey, attorney, for the ones we had filed against property for tax sale.

-Discussed on write ups on lagoons and addressed what had already been corrected.

-Flow meter.

November 17, 1993

Those Present: Roger Lindsey, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, and Ron Repp.

-Discussed letter from State Environment regarding lagoons and items we were short on.

-Ron will draft letter to Homer.

December 1993

Due to not being able to get a quorum, no meeting was held.