2007 Meeting Minutes

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes 2007

January 8, 2007

Board members present: Carroll Steele, David Lewis, Robert Schindler, Rick Wheeler, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp.

Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved upon motion by Ron Repp and second by Bob Schindler-passed.

All bills were read and approved upon motion by Gary Jackson and second by Ron Repp.

Balance sheets and income statements were passed out by Gary Jackson. They were discussed. Copies will be filed.

Ron Repp talked about a meeting he attended lately regarding the Greater Clark schools building program.

Rick Wheeler informed us of a problem we had this week at the corner grocery on Main Street. This was our first problem with a blockage on our side of the system in the history of our system. We had to hire a backhoe and have a company to come break up the blockage and flush the lines.

We also discussed the idea that we may need to check other lines and have them flushed to prevent this from happening again. This could have been a major problem, but it only affected 1 customer.

Since we do not have an ordinance that details where the customer’s side of blockage and where the sewer co. obligation begins, upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson we are having David Lewis, atty, write an addition to our ordinance.

No further business, the meeting was adjourned.

February 12, 2007

Those present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, David Lewis, Robert Schindler, Gary Jackson, Ronald Repp.

Copies of minutes from last meeting were passed out and read. Upon motion by Ed Arthur and second by Ron Repp. Passed.

All bills were read and signed and upon motion by Gary Jackson and second by bob Schindler. They were approved.

The problem of overbilling by the water co. by Pam Wiggam when she was employed was discussed. The overbilling effected Greater Clark Schools and Hoopsters. Greater Clark is owed an estimated $12,281.53 and Hoopsters $1,759.98. These will be paid or credited to account as soon as the Water Board meets on 2/15/07. Upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Ed Arthur, they will have to sign a release being prepared by David Lewis.

As was discussed in an earlier meeting we will be paying extra payments to FMHA as our cd’s mature. We have one maturing 3/5/07 for $43,452.29. Upon notion by Gary Jackson and second by Bob Schindler it was decided to pay $30,000 to FMHA and put the balance in our debt fund. All voted yes-Mr. Steele abstained.

An ordinance concerning responsibility for installation and maintenance of sewer lines for the WTRSD was voted on and passed upon motion by CT Steele, second by Gary Jackson. Copy is attached.

Meeting adjourned.


February 27, 2007

Those present: Carroll Steele, David Flemming, Ronald Repp, Edward Arthur, Gary Jackson, Pat Jackson and Bob Schindler.

The purpose of this meeting with the auditor from the State Board of Accounts was to discuss the findings of our recent audit. This is attached.

March 12, 2007

Those present: Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Edward Arthur, Gary Jackson and Bob Schindler.

The minutes last month regarding the amount we owe Greater Clark Schools should have read at least if not more than $12,281.53.

The motion to cash in a CD maturing in March and pay $30,000 on our FMHA loan was rescinded. It is felt that we will need this money to pay Greater Clark schools and Hoopsters. All this was on motion by Gary Jackson and 2nd by Bob Schindler.

Ron Repp presented a bid from Aqua Utilities to inspect the sewer lines with a video camera. This was discussed and since Rick Wheeler was not present, it was tabled until our next meeting.

A new flow meter is needed. One can be purchased for $1,600. Rick Wheeler is to install the meter.

It was decided to pursue cost to put 3 phase on the highway 62 station. Motion by Ron Repp and 2nd by Bob Schindler.

Our IDEM dues of $700 are due to be paid upon motion by Ron Repp and 2nd by Bob Schindler. All other bills were approved.

April 9, 2007

Those present: Carroll Steele, Rick Wheeler, Robert Schindler, David Lewis, Edward Arthur, Ronald Repp, Gary Jackson.

Turned over several accounts to Dave Lewis, atty., for collection and possible suits.

Discussed finances and bank balances.

All bills were read and approved by motion from Ed Arthur and second by Bob Schindler.

Received bids from 2 companies to update the main lift station and tie in to the new 3 phase installed by REMC.

Bid from Apex Sales was $10,467.24 and RKR was $3,662. Both companies have good reputations and do good work. Upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson, we chose RKR.

A contractor was paid in advance for parts and labor several months ago to repair the Ohio Street station. We have never done this job. We asked David Lewis to write him a letter regarding this matter to do the work or refund the money.

Our flow meter was hit by lightning several weeks ago. We have a price from River City Controls to install a rebuilt one and labor and calibrate it for $1,610. Upon motion by Gary Jackson and second by Ron Repp this passed.

Meeting adjourned.

May 14, 2007


Those present: Carroll Steele, Dave Reynolds, Bob Schindler, Ronald Repp, Edward Arthur and Electrical Contractor.

David Reynolds attended to discuss the subdivision on Kettle Bottom Road that he has helped develop. We currently have a special agreement with him for $1,000 tap fee on each house until he completes the project. He also was asking that perhaps we could take over paying the power bill at the substation. We advised him to give us the costs and we would consider this.

Contractor was here in regard to a letter David Lewis sent because he had not done the work on the Ohio Street station that we had already paid him for. After much discussion it was decided to table until next month when Rick Wheeler would be here and try to work something out whereas he would do other work to pay this back, since we have decided to go another way to upgrade this Ohio Street site.

However, after he left our meeting we realized that we had already made a commitment to RKR to convert the Highway 62 lift station to 3 phase and put the converters from 62 to the Ohio Street station. Therefore, we must ask contractor to return the part and return the balance of what we had prepaid him. Ron Repp, to contact contractor. Passed 1st-Bob Schindler, 2nd-Ed Arthur.

Discussed the bid from Aqua Utility Services to inspect approx. 22,500 ft of sewer line to see if we have any obstructions in the lines similar to what was found in front of corner grocery. This bid is $11,250. Upon motion by Bob Schindler and 2nd by Ron Repp, we will have this done later this summer. Ron Repp to contact them.

Meeting was then adjourned.

June 11, 2007


Those present: Carroll Steele, David Lewis, Ronald Repp, Rick Wheeler, Bob Schindler, Gary Jackson and Edward Arthur.

Aqua Utilities is now inspecting and filming our lines for any blockage. They could not find several manholes that had been paved over. However for an extra fee they will find, uncover and put a new ring and put them as they should be.

All bills were read and approved upon motion by R. Repp and 2nd by Bob Schindler.

Contractor was present to settle and reimburse us for work he had been paid for but had not done. He returned $1,200 to us and the claim is now closed. We will however keep him on our list for future work as he has been very helpful in the past.

Discussed with our attorney, David Lewis, several cases that his is working on for liens and collections on past due accounts.

Meeting adjourned.

July 9, 2007

Those present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, Bob Schindler and Gary Jackson.

Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved by motion from Bob Schindler and 2nd by Ed Arthur.

All bills were read and approved on motion by Ed Arthur and 2nd by Gary Jackson.

CT Steele brought a filing cabinet from the NW Christian church that they no longer needed. The sewer district needs it as CT is having to move all records from his office at the store where they have been housed all these years. Upon motion by Ed Arthur and second by Bob Schindler, it was purchased for $100.

Gary Jackson discussed the financial statements that are attached as part of the minutes.

Since our attorney did not come and our president, Ron Repp, was not able to come, all other business was rescheduled for our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned.


August 13, 2007


Those present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, David Lewis, Robert Schindler, Steve Tolliver, Ronald Repp and Rick Wheeler.

Steve Tolliver from Aqua Utilities was present to discuss the work his company had just completed in filming our sever lines and cleaning the lines that needed to be and also repairing and locating man holes that had been covered.

We have only 1 real problem that they did not take care of. A man hole on Pierce Street that will need a new liner and other repairs which would cost approx. $4,800.

After Mr. Tolliver left this problem was discussed and Rick Wheeler knew of another company that used fiberglass and he is to contact them for more information and bring it to our Sept. meeting. This was upon motion by Bob Schindler and 2nd by Ed Arthur.

The Dollar Store on Highway 62 was discussed. They are wanting to know the amount for a tap fee. Since our ordinance does not deal with commercial usage we can only charge them $2,000.

Next month we will deal with changing our ordinance for commercial use.

Collections were discussed by CT Steele. We have made progress this month with some old past due accounts with attorney letter threats to take them to small claims court and visiting them in person. We will continue to press to collect these type of accounts.

All bills presented were approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and 2nd by Ron Repp.

Meeting adjourned.


September 10, 2007

Those present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, Ronald Repp, Bob Schindler, Gary Jackson and Rick Wheeeler

Rick Wheeler was to get information from sources to repair and put a liner in the man hole on Pierce Street that Aqua wanted to $4,800 to repair. Rick made one contact and they were not interested. Rick will pursue other sources.

Rick Wheeler had trouble with our string trimmer. It could not be repaired and he purchased a new one. Also our chainsaw has gone bad and we authorized Rick to purchase a new one. This was done upon motion by Bob Schindler and 2nd by Ed Arthur to reimburse Rick for the string trimmer and to purchase a new saw.

Gary Jackson gave our financial reports as attached.

Collections were discussed.

We were to discuss new rates for the commercial accounts coming into the area, but ron could not get all the info together and our attorney, dave lewis, was not present. This was tabled until next month.

Meeting adjourned.


October 8, 2007

Those present: Carroll Steele, Gary Jackson, Robert Schindler and Ronald Repp.

Discussion regarding a new tap for the New Washington high school for new concession stand and restrooms at the track site. They want a new tap rather than hooking on to their existing line. The new tap would be less cost to install. Amount due is $2,000.

We discussed further from our last meeting the need to consider tap fees for commercial businesses. We have not received all the data needed to make this decision so this was tabled until our November meeting.

All bills were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson.

Financial reports were passed out and discussed by Gary Jackson.

There being no further business, we adjourned.

November 12, 2007


Those present: Carroll Steele, Bob Schindler, Gary Jackson, David Lewis, Ronald Repp, and Bruce Elder.

Bruce Elder, agent for our insurance, was present. We had been notified by our insurance company that they would not renew our policy when it came up for renewal on 1/1/08. They are no longer insuring sewage companies. Mr. Elder represents other companies and will therefore continue to have us covered.

We had not updated our policy and since this had come up we are bringing all coverage up to current values. Mr. Elder will get back to us with updates and premiums later.

It was discussed that perhaps we should have 2 persons signing checks as a check and balance. Bills are to be paid after are accepted by the board on our meeting dates the second Monday of each month. It was agreed that Ron Repp and CT Steele would sign checks. This was upon a motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson. Motion passed.

It was discussed to go back in our minutes over the years and pick out and list any rules or regulations that were made or changed over the years.

Meeting adjourned.

December 18, 2007


Those present: Carroll Steele, Rick Wheeler, Gary Jackson and Ronald Repp.

All bills were read and approved including Greater Clark schools reimbursement for over charge due to water company overbilling. This was upon motion by Gary Jackson and second by Ron Repp.

The liner for the damaged manhole on Nabb Road was discussed. Rick Wheeler had been getting info on this and he found that it will be just as cheap to replace the entire manhole rather than repair. The best price was from Dan Christiani Co. for $4,875. Ipon motion by Ron Repp and second by Gary Jackson, this was approved.

Rick Wheeler advised that we needed a back up pump for our 2 grinder pumps that take care the two homes where they are installed . This was approved by motion from CT Steele and second by Gary Jackson.

Gary Jackson presented financial statements and these were discussed.

CT Steele advised several past due accounts have been turned over to the attorney for collection. These were discussed.