2015 Meeting Minutes

December 21, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Webb, CT Steele, Gary Jackson, Austin Wiggam, Dennis Bower.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the November 16, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by Dennis Bower, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler updated the board on plant operations. Problem with the Phase Converter at the Ohio Street Lift Station is still not resolved, will have 3 bids for next month’s meeting to replace the entire control panel.

Todd Webb and CT Steele updated the board on the current audit that is being done by the State Board of Accounts.

Todd Webb informed the board that there will be a meeting on January 5th in Jeffersonville at the River Hills office. The Township is trying to secure some grant monies that are available through the State.

The board instructed Dave Hutson to post a notice in the Evening News & Tribune to announce the dates of the regular scheduled meetings for 2016.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:17 pm made by Dennis Bower, 2nd by CT Steele. Board approved.

November 16, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Jackson, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Dennis Bower, Todd Webb.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the October 19, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by Austin Wggam, 2nd by CT Steele. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler updated the board on plant operations. Following up on last month’s discussion regarding the Ohio Street Lift Station, a quote was received from Duke Energy to run 3 Phase power to this station. Dukes price was $24,014.02, the board agreed that this price was too expensive to pursue. We will continue to research replacing the existing Phase Converters with new units.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:57 pm made by Dennis Bower, 2nd by Austin Wiggam. Board approved.

October 19, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Jackson, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Dennis Bower, Todd Webb.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the September 21, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by

Gary Jackson, 2nd by CT Steele. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler updated the board on plant operations. Informed the board that we have been having

trouble with the Phase Converter #2 at the Ohio Street Lift Station. Will get a price on a new unit and a

price from Duke Energy to install 3 Phase power to the station.

Todd Webb informed the board that River Hill’s has requested access to our Sewer Maps. They want to

be able to survey and help improve with any future mapping upgrades. Austin Wiggam made a motion

to approve this request, 2nd by CT Steele. Board approved.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

The board authorized Dave Hutson to pursue legal action to try to collect recurring past due accounts.

Motion was made by CT Steele, 2nd by Gary Jackson.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:13 pm made by CT Steele, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

September 21, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Jackson, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Dennis Bower.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the August 17, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by CT Steele, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Gary Jackson, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler updated the board on plant operations.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:06 pm made by Dennis Bower, 2nd by CT Steele. Board approved.

August 17, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Webb, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam,  Dennis Bower.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations.

Minutes from the July 20, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by CT Steele, 2nd by Austin Wiggam. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler updated the board on plant operations. Heritage Environmental has been contacted about doing the Creek Flow Profile that is required by IDEM.

CT Steele presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson was not at this meeting, no updates on past due accounts.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:52 pm made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by CT Steele. Board approved.

July 20, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Webb, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Gary Jackson, Dennis Bower.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the June 15, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by CT Steele, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler updated the board on plant operations. IDEM made an inspection of the facilities on June 23, 2015. The only concern that IDEM had was the way the stream profile is being done. This information has to be submitted to IDEM once every year; the method our current Engineering firm is using is no longer accepted. Will contact other Engineering firms about possibly doing this work for us in the future.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:05 pm made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

June 15, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Webb, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Gary Jackson, Dennis Bower.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the May 18, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by CT Steele, 2nd by Austin Wiggam. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

Tom Nelson with TNT Technologies gave the board a demonstration on his companies Lift Station Pilot. This is a system that is designed to monitor and give real time updates on Lift Station conditions. The Water Company has been using this system for a while and has been pleased with their operation. Gary Jackson made the motion to purchase 4 of these units, Dennis Bower 2nd the motion. The board approved.

Gregg Wiggam from the Water Company came to talk to the board about the need to replace some aging water meters. He estimates that the older meters are under reading the actual usage by 5% to 10%. Since the Sewer District relies on the Water Company to provide monthly readings for billings they are asking if the Sewer District would consider paying part of this cost. After some discussion it was agreed that the Sewer District would pay ½ of the cost of any meters replaced in their service areas. The current cost of a meter is around $68.00 and there are roughly 200 meters that service the Sewer Districts area. This project will be stretched out over a few years and meters will be replaced as time allows. Austin Wiggam made a motion to approve this agreement, Dennis Bower 2nd the motion. Board agreed.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:51 pm made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

May 18, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Webb, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Gary Jackson, Dennis Bower.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the April 20, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve minutes made by Gary

Jackson, 2nd by Austin Wiggam. Board approved.

Motion to pay monthly bills made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler updated the board on plant operations. Informed the board that Hawkeye Security has

been notified that we are canceling our service with them for Lift Station monitoring. Problems have not been resolved after repeated attempts. Board Attorney Dave Hutson was given copies of the contracts with Hawkeye to review prior to notifying them.

The board agreed to approve Betty Harbins written request to abandon the sewer tap located at 316

Main Street. It was agreed that the monthly charges for this lot will stop, all past charges for this lot will

still need to be paid. Motion by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Dennis Bower. Board approved.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

The board asked Dave Hutson to prepare a new ordinance that will address our procedure for approving

requests to vacate sewer taps.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:00 pm made by CT Steele, 2nd by Austin Wiggam. Board approved.

April 20, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Webb, CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Gary Jackson, Dennis Bower.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, Operations. Dave Hutson, Attorney.

Minutes from the March 16, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

A motion to pay the monthly bills was made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler gave the board an update on plant operations. Informed the board that Hawkeye Security was given one last chance to correct problems with the Lift Station monitoring equipment.

The board discussed the current ordinance regarding vacant lots. It was agreed that the language in the current ordinance would be changed. It will state that the past due amount has to be paid before the Sewer Board will accept the vacant lot request form from the property owner. Dave Hutson will revise the current ordinance.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:18 pm made by Dennis Bower, 2nd by Austin Wiggam. Board approved.

March 16, 2015

Minutes from the January 19, 2015 meeting were presented. Motion to approve made by Gary Jackson, 2nd by Austin Wiggam. Board approved.

Rick Wheeler gave the board an update on plant operations.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

The board had a discussion regarding the property located at 316 & 318 Main ST. Both properties have had a past due balance. The property owner has attempted to make payments on the property at 318 Main ST. The property owner also requested that the past due balance due on the vacant lot at 316 Main ST. be waived by agreeing to sign an agreement to vacate the tap. The board agreed to table this discussion until the next board meeting.

Dave Hutson updated the board on past due accounts.

Motion to pay the monthly bills was made by Austin Wiggam, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:20 pm made by CT Steele, 2nd by Gary Jackson. Board approved.

February, 2015

There was no meeting in February

January 19, 2015

MEMBERS PRESENT:  CT Steele, Austin Wiggam, Dennis Bower, Gary Jackson, Todd Webb

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Wheeler, David Hutson

Minutes from December 2014 were presented. Motion by A. Wiggam to approve, second by G. Jackson.  Board approved.

R. Wheeler gave the board an update on the Plant operations.

G. Jackson presented the monthly financial statements.

D. Hutson discussed past due accounts.

D. Hutson  presented the 2015 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES for himself, R. Wheeler, Patsy Steele and Patricia Jackson for the board to review.

D. Hutson presented CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS for CT Steele and Gary Jackson for the board to review.

T. Webb updated the board on Grant Money that is available that will help the Sewer District update their maps of the current service area and possible future expansion into other areas of the Township.

T. Webb made a motion to give a 3% raise to contract employees Rick Wheeler, Patsy Steele and Patricia Jackson.  D. Bower second the motion, the board approved.

Motion to pay the bills by G. Jackson, second by A. Wiggam.  Board approved.

Motion to adjourn at 7:41 p.m. by T. Webb, second by CT Steele. Board approved.