1987 Minutes

May 28, 1987

6:00 P.M.

Reconvene of last meeting:

To finalize pump list for United Pine Line.

Gene Contractor has 14 days to complete list from 6/1/87.

Contractor to begin when pumps start to move sewage.

Tonight we will drive lines and complete pump list.

We are to have impartial test of soil etc. and get recommendations and est. costs $3,000 for test. Lexington, KY firm.

We are to contact B&W Const.

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Ron Repp

To test soil.

Letter to Mitchell & Stark – to let Mike write, with change order.

Voted to purchase 1000 envelopes.

1st motion Ron Repp

2nd motion Bob Schindler

To send letters to customers.

Next meeting will be held June 23, 1987

June 23, 1987

7:00 P.M.

Those present: Robert Schindler, Roger Lindsey, Ronald Repp, Edward Arthur and Carroll Steele.

All bills read and approved.

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Ron Repp

Motion approved.

Discussed billing- sending out notice for taps.

Discussed rental deposit for tenants.

Get address labels.

July 21, 1987

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Roger Lindsey, Bob Schindler, Edward Arthur, Ronald Repp, Mike Meyer and Carroll Steele.

Motion to wave min.

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Ron Repp

Discussed asking commissioner to come next meeting to try and work out paving roads.

Discussed reports from Bowser-morn. Regarding lagoons and discussed their recommendations. Also report from Atec.

Discussed UP line. Pump list items left to be finished.

1. May Willey

2. D. Pennington (culvert)

3. F. Hebner

-Mitchell and Stark

-release ______

Must okay FHA

Letters to FHA- requesting this pre-final

1st motion R Repp

2nd motion B Schindler

Refund no taps on property sold on trade.

1st motion R Repp

2nd motion B Schindler

Training for personnel to work later.

Final O&M manual and plant map accepted.

Bills to be paid and authorized. Ed to sign forms for getting money from #271.

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Ron Repp

July 30, 1987

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Robert Schindler, Ron Repp, Edward Arthur, Michael J. and Carroll Steele.

Toured lagoons.

Discussed in detail the report from Bouser and Morner Geo’s and their recommendations as per report.

Sieco, Inc. wants to send copy of soils report to Mitchell Stark and Michael Clark to get prices for repair lagoon.

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Ron Repp

Contact M&ST.

1. Need to price by 8/5/87

2. Need state to start revise letter to state board of health corp.

3. To get EPA changer orders

1st motion Ron Repp

2nd motion Bob Schindler

Give mike permission to proceed in whatever way necessary to get construction  to begin.

August 18, 1987

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Homer Dixon, Edward Arthur, Mike Meyer, Bob Schindler and Ron Repp.

Cost estimate and change order for M&S-$51,000.00 to redo the lagoons.

#1 lift station needs new culvert

Pump list for Div. to M&S.

Mike to meet with co engineer to discuss repaving of roads. This came about after our atty. And officer of Sieco met before Clark Co. Commissioner.

Pay Bouser-Morner for their testing of lagoons and other bills as presented.

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Ron Repp

Bouser-Morner to test lagoons as Mitchell and Stark are doing work.

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Ron Repp

Motion to authorize Ed Arthur to sign papers to allow Mike Meyers to proceed as necessary.

1st motion Ron Repp

2nd motion Bob Schindler

September 15, 1987

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Ron Repp, Edward Arthur and Mike Meyer.

Approved and we are complying with FMHA letter 9/8/87 from Ralph Partenheimer requesting final opinion from board counsel regarding bonds registered to FMHA for your loan obtained their agency.

Roger is taking care of this.

1st motion Carroll Steele

2nd motion Ron Repp

Thursday 9/17/87 pre final Mitchell and Stark $22,811.34

Motion to pay refraining to M&S. provided equipment on site and FMHA or EPA does no deny.

1st Ron Repp

2nd C.T. Steele

Div. A- U. line meet with Mike Meyer today and discussed street repair for final adjusting. Change order

Cut fees for road cuts to be paid to United Pipe Line and Clark Co. joint ck. $870.00

1st motion C.T. Steele

2nd motion R. Repp

Jerry Wiggam not happy with the ditch. Contact United Pipe Line and contact
Wiggam and have them set up a time when both can be there when job is redone and then sign a release accepting on offer dirt and on money.

All bills paid for month.

1st motion E Arthur

2nd motion R Repp

Read letter from Bouser-Morner 9/3/87 regarding lagoon repair and agreed to hire them.

1st motion R Repp

2nd motion C Steele

Start up and training homer to begin next week.

Scheduled special meeting for 9/22/87 to discuss result pre final meeting held 9/17/87 at site.

September 22, 1987

Those present: Homer Dixon, Roger Lindsey, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp, Mike Meyer, Carroll Steele and Robert Schindler.

Meeting purpose of discussing the pre final meeting on 9/17/87 to go over pump list and discuss change orders to not rep. lagoons and proceed until redoing lagoons.

They informed us this money was not to be used for this purpose.

During this period between 9/7 and 9/22 EPA reversed there discussion and say they will allow approx. $35,000 (grant) if we use Rif. will work $11,000 cont. less St. repair.

Discussion as to what to do regarding rates, grant etc.

Voted to proceed to apply for grant and loan.

Mitchell and Stark committed to finish lagoons.

Voted to apply for additional grant from FHA for $84,948.00

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Ron Repp

Requesting no cost time budget extensions, FHA

1st B Schindler

2nd R Repp

Revised change order # 3A, 3B to delete the deletion of Ron Repp.

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Ron Repp

October 5, 1987

5:10 P.M.

Special meeting, each contacted by phone to come.

Those present: C.T. Steele, R.V. Schindler, Roger Lindsey, Edward Arthur and Ronald Repp.

Reason, tried FHA for grant, disallowed for time being.

Will need approximately $33,000 to finalize. Discussed solutions. 1 being ask  Greater Clark for more money and allow them to work on.

Proceed with loan and grant application with FHA

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Ron Repp

Request Ec. Div. State Grant $54,000

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Ron Repp

Solute cost proposal for operator for plant.

1st Ron Repp

2nd Bob Schindler

October 20, 1987

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Homer Dixon, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp and Mike Meyer.

Discussed redoing of #123 lagoons and 2&3 are finished and ready for water. #3 not finished yet.

21 in. cover in 1&2.

Letter from SIECO, telling us that we must put water in as soon as possible.

Update change orders.

Need dirt from either R. or Lawrence for living on #3.

Div. A finalized paving junction box on main rd. to froze, not on yet.

Final adj. change order. They are still due $4,068.00 UP Line

1st Ron Repp

2nd Bob Schindler

Div. C

1st B Schindler

2nd R Repp

Sieco, Inc. balance $1,920.28

1st B Schindler

2nd R Repp

All other bills to be paid.

1st R Repp

2nd B Schindler

A continuation of the Washington Township Regional Sewage District meeting of 20 October 1987 was held at the home of R.L. Repp at 7:00 P.M. on 25 October, 1987.

Discussion was held on the letter to be sent to property owners notifying them to connect to the sewers, their legal obligations, and the need for the letters to be sent out.

Mike Meyers will be requested to notify United Pipeline to fire up lift station #1.

Billing procedures were discussed. We need to establish procedures, determine water usage (to be provided by the Water Co.), and obtain billing forms.

It was tentatively decided to use a manual system initially. A list of customers will be provided to the Water Co. by R. Repp.

It was moved by R. Schindler to allow either the President or Treasurer to sign checks for the Sewer District. After a second by R. Repp, the motion passed.

R. Schindler moved to adopt the following policy:

“Service will be provided to all residents requesting sewer service if the reserve account has sufficient funds to cover the full cost of providing service and the total cost of installation is repaid by total revenues anticipated to be generated within 4 ½ years by the customers initially hooked on.”

R. Repp seconded the motion, which passed.

A policy for payments was adopted, pending review by legal counsel. A copy of the policy is attached hereto. One copy will be provided to the NW Mill and Hardware for posting.

The need to adopt a budget for CY88 and provide a copy of the same to FmHA was discussed.

The meeting was adjourned.

November 17, 1987

6:40 P.M.

Those present: Jack Risinger, Marvin Stoner, Edward Arthur, Ron Reppe, Terry Wenning, RV Schingler, Mike Hall, D. D., Gary Jackson, Homer Dixon, Carroll Steele and Roger Lindsey.

Discussed with Mike Hall taking training along with Homer Dixon so we will have a fill in to take over. Well begin training 12/2/87.

Mike Meyer brought us to date. He inspected all lift stations last week with United Pipeline. All are operational when we need them.

Discussed with Larry Wenning, Greater Clark Maintenance, the hooking up of both schools to help us test the lagoons.

Discussed with Marvin Stoner and Jack Risinger the possibility of them helping financially for about $35,000. They say not possible.

CBNF-Jim Burton

Will try to set up meeting with school board again.

Introduced BL replacement for Gary Jackson.

Change orders-rip rap

Extend Mitchell and Stark contract period for 3/31/88

1st R Repp

2nd B Schindler

Discussed Bouser Morner statement and agreed to have them justify some items and costs.

Bills to be paid.



1st Bob Schindler

2nd Ron Repp

Box paper, postage

Partial pay estimates

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Gary Jackson

December 15, 1987

6:00 P.M.

Those present: Edward Arthur, Homer Dixon, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Mike Meyer, Roger Lindsey and Carroll Steele.

Have received notice of change orders being approved to repair lagoons. $34,450.33

Decided to protest change orders and try to get $2,700 denied to us and change order.

Mike Meyer has started lab school training with Mike Hall and Homer Dixon.

Board was advised that the High School has hooked into the system in order to help us in testing the lagoons.

Letter from Bouser-Morner Co. dated 12/1/87 regarding extra work by Mitchell & Stark due to BM man not being sure of what he was doing and contractor did more work than should have been required. Charged us for it. Will continue appeal.

Proposed 1988 budget was presented and discussed as per copy. Motion to approve by Ron Repp, second by Gary Jackson.

Approved form271 to apply for money to pay Mitchell & Stark

Motion 1st Ron Repp

2nd Gary Jackson

Approved monthly bills dues on motion by Gary Jackson

2nd Ron Repp

Mike Meyer invited all to SIECO Christmas party on Dec. 23, 1987. 12/5 P.M.

Meeting adjourned.