1988 Minutes

January 17, 1988

6:45 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Bob Schindler and Michael Meyer.

Mike met with FMHA last Friday to see if funds could all be accounted for. Trying to see if extra funds are available to help us out.

Discussed meeting we had with FMHA several days ago. They tell us we must make payment to keep from being delinquent.

Protested change order on depth.

All monthly bills due to be paid.

1st R. Repp

2nd B. Schindler

Discussed Bouser Morner letter. Mike is sending for us protesting over change. And letter to Mitchell & Stark. Board okayed letter.

Approved sending form #1942A to FMHA listing all expenses from tap acct.

Claim vouchers-Sieco for training sessions. $2430.

1st motion Schindler

2nd Repp

Decided to get letter out to inform people they may work on and after 60 days we’ll begin billing monthly.

March 15, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Homer Dixon, Edward Arthur, Bob Schindler, R Repp, Gary Jackson, Mike Meyer and Roger Lindsey.

Mike Meyer reported that we have some leaky valves causing us to lose some water. They have been checked with dye and it appears good and recommends we advise customers to convert.

Sewer use ordinance:

An emergency was declared for the reason that the original ordinance concerning this matter and documentation of its passage and adoption were either misplaced or lost, therefore, the ordinance was three times read and upon discussion and motion duly made and seconded, unanimously passed by the board of trustee as ordinance #1-1988.

Rotophase factory says it is not needed. We want a letter to that support. Also hold $1000 until all is done.

Letter from Mitchell & Stark wanting to lease job.

We need to meet with them and discuss asking them to stay. Mike will set this up.

Bills, Sieco, start up for $2219.08

1st G Jackson

2nd B Schindler

Approved utility bill.

1st B Schindler

2nd G Jackson

Get lock box at bank to keep records.

1st R Repp

2nd B Schindler

Attorney fees will be paid 3 times year.

March 24, 1988

5:00 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Homer Dixon, R Schindler, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Mike Meyer and Jack Mcintyre.

Meeting with Jack Mcintyre FHA. We must pay $20,000 due 6/15/88

$30,008.04 due FHA 7/1/88

Jack is trying to reschedule payment and add to our yearly payment.

Ask us to make new applications for our shortage of loan which would mean new bonds and board council.

March 24, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Richard Burch, Fred Harrison, R.V. Schindler, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, Jack McIntyre, Mark Meyer and Homer Dixon.

Meeting with Mitchell & Stark to discuss them wanting to cancel this contract. Will complete contract providing we begin paying bank and of past due amounts. Mitchell & Stark Proposal.

1% unpaid balance plus $4000 or at lease $4000.

Due 5/1/88 and each 1st thereafter.

April 19, 1988

6:55 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, R.V. Schindler, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, Roger Lindsey, David Taylor, Dave Taflinger, Gayle Taflinger, Mike Meyer and Homer Dixon.

Charles Taflinger wife regarding the letter sent to us telling of their unhappiness with the tap to their trailer and the inefficiency of the sewer locating the tap.

To solve the problem get an inspector. Get Charley here to try and locate tap.

Taflinger said he wants us to restore ground as it was. We must determine if installed properly and agree that if it was not we must return it as it was if within 5ft.

1st R. Repp

2nd G Jackson

United Pipeline-rate base-cannot be moved. C.T. Steele decided it was proper and safe as is.

Loan has to be completed as per letter and 4 forms completed.

Only the westward side and no one is to hunt by this.

Bills is to be paid PSI etc.

1st G Jackson

2nd R Repp

Request for funds M&Stark approx. $8,000.

1st R Repp

2nd G Jackson

Bouser-Morner, let health dept. advise.

Letters and names to Health Dept, certified letter.

$500 inspectors fee

No exception in rates etc

May 17, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Edward Arthur, Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey Atty., R.V. Schindler, Bill Dickey, Ron Repp and Mike Meyer.

Billy Dickey questioned his only having 1 tap for 2 buildings, why should he pay 2 fees.

Roger Lindsey, Atty tried to explain somewhere down the road there could be a problem with the Health Dept.  Decided he would pay 2 min. bills and 1 tap 1 bath 1 bill.

If bath installed in other will get 2 bills and no additional tap.

If rents or sells (different occupant), another tap will have to be paid.

Mike discussed loan information. Mike discussed with M&S decided to spread …… same area.

Roger discussed loan application meeting with FHA Wed. 5/25/88 in Indianapolis at their office to discuss details, bills. We read and approved.

Ralph Wiggam-2 tap fees. Board decided letter should be sent informing him that 2nd tap fee should be paid or 2 monthly bills.

June 6, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, RV Schindler, Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, Ed Barnes, Charles Gregory and Jim Berke.

Special meeting to discuss our past due payments with FMHA and ways to secure funds to take care of this debt. Discussed this with 3 members of Greater Clark Schools system as ways to get around the funds. Greater Clark advised us no decision was reached as no one had copies of documents.

June 21, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: C. Steele, K. Woodward, S. Craig, C. & J. Zollman, A Tennies, M. Graeve, J King, R reed, M Adams, S Adams, C Shackelford, J North, T Daniels, M Meyer, R Schindler, G Jackson, E Arthur, R Lindsey, G Layton and Elbert Powell

Several customers were present to give their feeling regarding the bills and rates, etc.

Roger Lindsey, atty. Gave a history of the sewage corp. and why it was formal and what has been done during the past approximately 17 years since work to form was begun.

Much discussion back and forth and arguments and accusations made.


Those present:  Maxine Mullins, Maria Austin, Debbie Bower, Gary Bower and Ronald Bower.

Customers want a letter explaining the system.

K. Woodward and J Harth were here to get info as to who works the pump system.

Customer furnishes service to pump within 4ft.

All bills presented were approved on motion.

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Gary Jackson.

July 19, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Ed Arthur, Bob Schindler, Ron Repp, Homer Dixon, Roger Lindsey and Mike Meyer.

Motion to pay electric bill and gas bill. The regular bills by Bob Schindler and second by Ed Arthur. Passed.

FmHA grant- from $130,000 to $104,00.

We have to fix #3. Will take 500 + days to discharge.

Need to photocopy green card and send letter copies to Health Dept. wait 6 months to a year before sending a letter to Health Dept.

Faye Stout has 2 houses not hooked on.

Add a tap for school-concession stand.

August 16, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Ed Arthur, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp and Mike Meyer.

Discussed the Estes Co. septic tank service dumping their product in our lagoon. Decided this would not be feasible. There is also significant liability, plus unknown contents could include chemicals etc.

FmHA still same – not heard from grant request.

Discussed Larry Wiggam, vacant house, opposes paying $28.00 when empty. Decided a minimum payment $12. We did furnish a tap at his request.

N.B. Wiggam orders in 1 his house

Bill due and payable

1st Gary Jackson

2nd Ron Repp

Deduct bill from United Pipeline bill at later date.

Gary presented plan to sewer bills from $120 per month and include all supplies. His wife would do this.

September 20, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Homer Dixon, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp, Edward Arthur, Larry Wiggam, Roger Lindsey

Larry Wiggam was here to try and determine his empty home should be assessed tap fee and monthly charge if he does not intend to use house.

He was under the EPA rule as to house there at time. Must tap and pay monthly bill.

All bills due and payable.

1st motion Gary Jackson

2nd motion Ron Repp

Discussed people who have not tapped on.  Roger will send a letter.

Homer discussed work out in #1 lagoon. Need rock there.

November 15, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Homer Dixon, Roger Lindsey, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, Mike Meyer.

Minutes approved.

Grant update-has been approved, should receive shortly.

C________ has been checked and was written wrong. M&Stark working on it.

Larry Wiggam problem-will get us deed so we can check if tap was installed wrong.

Mike Meyer has checked on all lift stations and all check out ok.

Ran data on sewage, has checked out ok.

SIECO bill, all reimbursable, start up service etc.

1st motion Bob Schindler

2nd motion Gary Jackson

United Pipe Line wants balance. Will tell them and will pay principle of the pumps

Bills were read and approved to be paid.

1st Gary Jackson

2nd Bob Schindler

Give Ed Arthur authority to sign any change orders needed and any and all documents pertaining to FmHA grant

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Gary Jackson

December 19, 1988

6:30 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Robert Schindler, Roger Lindsey, Mike Meyer.

Meet to discuss our meeting with FmHA. Have a grant of $104,000. We must meet their requirements on all paper work.

Documents to Roger Lindsey (Attorney) to be filled out as per FmHA requirements.

Larry Wiggam – Original warranty deed was given to SIECO to make copy and return to Wiggam to check easement pertaining to Fran Lee Grocery.

Gave Roger Lindsey, Attorney, list of customers tapped into system to give to Health Dept and notify them.

Pumps-1 taken out to test moisture. Not sure what causes light to glow.

EPA gave us an extension until 6/1989 to complete project.