1989 Minutes

January 17, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Dave Taflinger, Gary Jackson, Ed Arthur, Larry Wiggam, Ron Repp, Mike Meyer and Homer Dixon.

Customer David Taflinger presented to state that he had a water break and lost 121,000 gal. does not want to be charged sewer us on his loss. Board decided to charge on a 3 month average on motion by Ron Repp and second by G Jackson.

Customer Larry Wiggam present to see what we’ll do regarding a tap between him and Fran Lee Grocery. Her tap is on his property.

Option 1 is to get easement from Wiggam.

Option 2 is to reroute sewer into Poplar St. or redo on Main St. Decided to table discussion until next month when our attorney, Roger Lindsey would be present.

SIECO, gave status of grant from FMHA and presented spread sheet on all project to prove all income expenses.  Change order of $117,000.00.  Looked at several options in cutting cost to get the entire job finished. SIECO to talk to Fred at Mitchell & Stark and see if any cost cuts can be made.

All bills were read and motion was made to pay them.

1st Ed Arthur

2nd Ron Repp

Homer Dixon reported the problem we were having with the pump at lift station on Highway 62. After getting United Pipe Line out, these problems were corrected.

Gary Jackson presented and reported on our budget for 1989 and went into detail of the same. Copy is a part of minutes. Upon motion by C Steele and seconded by R Repp it was voted to accept.

After discussion, decided to hire Pat Steele to help in collection and other clerical work as needed at $100.00 per month. This passed on motion by G Jackson and second by R Repp

The following members were reappointed for another term.

Carroll Steele

Gary Jackson-Robert V. Schindler

Since there was no other business, meeting adjourned.

February 21, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Larry Wiggam, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp, Mike Meyer, Homer Dixon, RV Schindler and Roger Lindsey.

Larry Wiggam, back again to find out whether the problem with Fran-Lee etc. Roger not here so we tabled.

Roger later came, discussed Larry Wiggam problem. Roger stated the tap is there and he must pay monthly bill.

Gripe with attorney who did title opinion when he brought up property and his problem with FranLee –  Roger will write a letter to us and explain circumstances.

Grant – all info to FMHA. Hand delivered by Mike and they are processing it.

Voted to pay off Mitchell & Stark

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Gary Jackson

SIECO $6340.00-$4750.00

11/88 #23432

1st B Schindler

2nd G Jackson

Bills to be paid-standing motion to pay

Also R. Lindsey

Lanum – Title opinion

March 21, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, Larry Wiggam, Roger Lindsey, Homer Dixon, R.V. Schindler and Mike Meyer (SIECO)

Roger has not written the letter to Larry W. Basically the tap is on county right of way. It was designed before the property was divided. Larry’s complaint is with the adjoining property owner.

Larry-Can he get an exemption from paying his bill? Only by tearing down the house.

MM (State FMHA) loan application is in Indianapolis.

Consider discharging from #2 if there is good effluent by test. Drop down to the first pipe, then transfer from #1 to #2. Discharge is only okay from Dec. 1 to June 30. Will hold off until later.

There is an inspection tomorrow, March 22.   This is the annual inspection from FMHA (compliance inspection)

Fire department will knock off the grease in lift stations. There may be a charge later.

Barnes and Thornberry $903 bill

Move to pay the bills as soon as the grant is approved and available.-Bob Schindler

Second-Gary Jackson.

Passed unanimous.

RL has sent letter to people behind, dated 3/13.  Did not sent to Gary Purlee since he is paying up.  Letters sent to George Waters, Vol. Fire Dept., Catherine Smith, Mike Dickey

Judy Wells trailer not on sewer. Will be hooked up this week.

R Schindler’s new home in Kettle Bottom will pay tap. A D will provide tap for us at an approximately cost of $100.

Motion to install- R Repp

Second G Jackson

Approved-Schindler Abstains

Meeting adjourned 7:28

April 18, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Ronald Cole, Gary Jackson, Ronald Repp and Mike Meyer.

Ronnie Cole, has a swimming pool. Wants to drain and refill, but not to pay sewage on the fill.

Tabled to discuss as our ordinance was not to be found.

Mike Meyer, nothing new-our file for Grant still in Chicago.

Decided to call Fred. Mitchell & Stark about starting on repairs.

May 16, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Edward Arthur, Homer Dixon, Mike Meyer and Robert Schindler.

Received copy of letter from Roger Lindsey to Larry Wiggam. As requested by the board regarding his question of paying tap on house not rented.

SIECO, announced that we had closed on grant May 15 1989 and received $104,000 from FMHA.  We paid FMHA $49 and we are now current.

SIECO will present their bill for engineering their finished job but will not push for payment. Final inspections and start up.

Claims were presented by SIECO

1st Bob Schindler

2nd CT Steele

Rock is now being broken for rip rap. Must be spot checked during the laying.

Approved claims for attorney as per 4/11/89 FMHA contract for grant. $1500 Attorney fee

1st Bob Schindler

2nd CT Steele

Approved phone call by Roger Lindsey

1st Bob Schindler

2nd CT Steele

Roger mentioned his call from State Board of Accounts that we will be audited sometime in future.

Summer rate ordinance.

Amend ordinance-all residence

Connections-average 9 mo and charge 3 summer months plus 10%

Farmers annual ordinance to read that they can or must put in sealed flow meter and it be read by Water co. and will bill the difference.

June 20, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp, RV Schindler, Mike Meyer (SIECO) and Edward Arthur.

Mike – Law Engineering will bring contract for them to do work in taking samples. Soil and protector, Meyer will be in charge.

Work is going good on rip rap.

Mitchell & Stark hopes to finish all if weather holds out within a week.

Motion to okay sign work on Law Engineering Co.

1st Bob Schindler

2nd G Jackson

Roger talked regarding changes in our ordinance to allow people with pools etc to average usage over summer months and discuss rate increase.

Tabled to discuss and vote next month.

Kendall Woodward not hooked on sewage. Tabled until next month.

Pay Homer Dixon for water pumping

1st Bob Schindler

2nd G Jackson

July 21, 1989

8:00 A.M.

Special Meeting

Those present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur and R.V. Schindler

Purpose to approve partial payment and other paperwork on finalizing project.

Final partial pay estimate is $109,840.17

Punch list-

Approve partial pay estimate and engineering fees

1st Bob Schindler

2nd CT Steele

Mitchell & Stark estimated work $548.43

1st Bob Schindler

2nd CT Steele

August 15, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: RV Schindler, Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Gary Jackson, and Edward Arthur.

Discussed change rate ordinance to accommodate person that have excessive water usage not going into the sewer system.  On advice of our attorney decided to not change the ordinance, but to discuss each problem on an individual business with customers coming to board meeting and presenting their problems.

All bills presented

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Gary Jackson

SIECO submitted change order 3-B for Ed to sign.

Authorize Ed and CT to sign off on certificates of substantial completion.

1st G Jackson

2nd Bob Schindler

September 19, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Bob Schindler, Ron Repp, Mike Meyer Edward Arthur

Discussed Certificate of Substantial Completion.

Ms. Sheilah Hourmozdi, our EPA rep, is withholding our funds. Need to have Roger contact her.

Mitchell & Stark-Mr. Harrison wants us to advance payment however the board agreed that we should let Roger Lindsey contact Ms. Hourmozdi and they to work this out.

Discussed open house for public sat. 10/7/89 10-12 A.M.

1st bob Schindler

2nd Ron Repp

Invite FMHA


Ms. Hourmozdi

Ali C

G. O.

Lee H.

October 17, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp and Bob Schindler

Discussed break in pipe at Bill Boyer’s caused by the Boyer’s digging.  Attorney advised customers responsible

Bill for electrical hook up on pump at Kendall Woodward. Installed by Sonny Craig $133.00

1st Bob Schindler

2nd Ron Repp

Discussed work schedule for Homer Dixon, especially checking equipment. Will ask Mike Meyer for guidance breakdown.

November 21, 1989

6:30 P.M.

Those present: Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Edward Arthur and Mike Meyer (SIECO).

Homer wants $500/month next year. Defer next meeting.

Mike, final inspection by CE-ok

State selected and sent all of the money requested.

Refused no cost time extension, ok

July 1990-need certification for lagoon #3

MM will do in July.

#1 going water

#2 & #3 holding

Rerouting ditch has reduced inflow

Commminuer and flow meters still need repai. Mike Meyer will try to obtain flow gauge for bridge. Homer’s reports should be sent to the state every month-signed by Ed Arthur.

Mr. Meyer provided a printout of all checks written against the construction account (14 pages)

Need grass on top of Lagoon #1

FMHA will pay all but about $500. We need to line the field we borrowed and clean the fence row. Put crown vetch on the steep slopes. Mr. Meyer recommended subbing out mowing separately from maintenance. Watch for land buy backs. If we do it, we need a rate consultant and land counsel.

Gary Jackson presented the budget for CY90

December 19, 1989

6:30 P.M.

There was no important business to come before the board. It was agreed by telephone poll to cancel Dec. meeting.

The January 1990 meeting will be held as scheduled.